The oats are back in town

Good Morning!
Well it's finally the week, and here it is a dark one. The rain has begun...blah! I believe that tomorrow I will be leaving my parents house and heading back to the 'Burg. I will have to jump right back into my running groove that I have fallen out of lately. Actually I have just been a wee bit too busy to go out and run. However I have done disco abs, 30 day shred and booty buns. When I return to the Burg you will see more consistency in my life...hopefully! Counting calories is a pain for me and I will try to be better about it.

I wanted to start the day off on the proper foot today. Therefore I decided to have some Quaker oatmeal.

1/4 c. Oatmeal: 1 pt. (75)
Brown Sugar: 1 pt. (34)

Breakfast: 2 pts. (109)

What are you up to this weekend?

Tonight is one of my friends Bachlorette parties so I will be chilling with the girls and a very naked cowboy.

Do you like to play games at parties?


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