Bet on Whether Perez Will Win or Lose Entertainment has just posted odds on whether or not X17 Inc. will win their $7.6-million copyright infringement lawsuit against celebrity gossip blogger Perez Hilton.

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The results of this lawsuit are very important and could greatly affect the way in which images may be used and shared online. The odds being offered by Entertainment are:

Will Los Angeles paparazzi agency X17 Inc. win its $7.6-million copyright infringement lawsuit against celebrity gossip blogger and self proclaimed "Queen of all Media" Perez Hilton?

o YES 1/1 (Even)
o NO 5/7 (-140)

As it stands, the NO option is the favorite with odds of 5/7 (wager $7 to win $5). While the YES option is the underdog with odds of 1/1 (wager $5 to win $5).

For more details on these and many other odds offered by Entertainment, visit:

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