Cameron Diaz & Drew Barrymore Shop

Two of the three Charlie's Angels doing a little Christmas shopping.

Cameron was recently interviewed by about Christmas, driving in England, and her new movie, 'The Holiday'.

Question: Going anywhere for the holidays this year?
Answer: I'll be here (Los Angeles) when everybody else goes away, which is awesome. It's my favorite time of the year. It's glorious, I love being alone. I just love being by myself. I'm good at it. But not in a weird way. It's not like, "Leave me alone!" I'm just very comfortable by myself.

Question: Guess the idea of house-swapping isn't very appealing, huh?
Answer: Nope. Nope. No. No. Don't want anybody in my house. Well, friends of course, but not a total stranger. But I've stayed in total strangers' homes, and I'm very respectful about leaving them exactly the way I found them. But I'm not taking that chance.

Question: Your "Holiday" co-star Kate Winslet has been nominated for four Academy Awards. You're best-known for frothy comedies such as "There's Something About Mary" and "Charlie's Angels." Does that ever make you feel, oh, I don't know, undervalued?
Answer: I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I'm happy with the things that I've accomplished. I'm not ashamed for being a happy, bubbly, funny person. I think that's just as valid as being the dark, brooding, tortured, Oscar-nominated one. Not that I think that's what Kate is at all, but certainly, if you want to start putting people in boxes, I don't think that I'm undervalued. I'm really just honored to be in the position that I am in. I'm not going out there going, "I need more."

Question: You don't need more. You're one of Hollywood's highest-paid, most sought-after stars. Where do you want to go from here?
Answer: I'm terrible at making plans; I've no idea what I want. I remember when I started doing this, my first film, "The Mask." Everybody kept asking me, "Ten years from now, what kind of work do you see yourself doing?" I was like, "I don't know." I didn't know if I'd still be making movies or doing something completely different, but I just knew that I wanted to be happy, period. Whatever it is, making movies or milking a cow. I'm kind of on a milking-a-cow trip right now. I don't know why.

Question: So it's been more than 10 years — are you happy?
Answer: I am very happy. I can't complain, although I do (laughs). But overall, I'm very happy with everything.

Question: And you haven't exactly been killing yourself lately, making about one movie a year and a "Shrek" cartoon or two.
Answer: I'm sure there's a lot of great roles out there. I'm just really bad at commitment; I hate committing myself to anything. So ... I'm really bad at saying, "Yeah, I'm gonna be there in three months." It's gotta be something that I'm really sure I'm going to be happy doing if I get there. I don't know where that comes from. It's probably a lack of discipline, honestly. It's probably being a spoiled brat and getting my way every time. It's the way it is. I just, you know ... I don't wanna do it (laughs). I'm sure I'll suffer for it later, but I'm happy right now.

Question: You're in a long-term relationship, too, which surely helps. But "The Holiday" is about two heartbroken women. Could you relate?
Answer: I think that we've all been through these relationships before. That's just life. It's the journey of love, and this lifetime is to try to figure out how to make love work. And who doesn't have problems? The great thing about love is that it's imperfect, and people spend a lot of time on it. What would we do if relationships were perfect? What would we do with our time?

Question: Advice for the lovelorn?
Answer: I think you just get through it. Having your heart broken is never fun. But you've got to get over it at some point, right? It just gets back to knowing yourself, being connected to yourself and happy with yourself. It always has to start there first. It's really awesome growing up in a very narcissistic society! (laughs) Because we've finally figured out that it's all about us. All the time they're like, "It's not about you." But really, it is. I encourage you to figure it out within yourself.

Question: Are marriage and kids in the cards for you?
Answer: I think everybody wants, at some point, to have that responsibility and be involved in that. But not at the moment; it's too much. Yeah, it's that commitment thing. I don't even want a dog. My cat just died; I don't even want a cat! Oh, I just opened a frickin' can of worms.

Question: So, um, sort of afraid to ask now, but how did you get along with the two little girls in "The Holiday"?
Answer: Smacked 'em around. It always works. I'm just kidding. Why do I think that's so funny? I don't know. It's clearly not a thing you should joke about in print: "She doesn't want kids, she smacks around the ones she works with, and she doesn't even want a dog." No, those girls were so sweet. It was a lot of fun.

Question: One last thing: How did you like driving in England?
Answer: The great thing about that was that the streets were shut down. Locked off. Nobody could get on the streets that didn't know that I was behind the wheel. But it's crazy, driving on the wrong side of the road. I can barely walk properly in England. Every time you step off of the curb, a sign says Look Right. But you always only see that after you've looked left first.

Sources: HQCB,

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