"I always spend the Holidays with my family, except for this one wild Christmas in Denmark when my girlfriend's Mom found me naked in a pool of pee on the floor with a candle melted to my head. I'm happy to say that I've been much more productive this year. Lately, family has been incredibly concerned about my health, and the negative impact my lifestyle has had on it. Out of love for my family, I agreed to go to any and all doctor's appointments they scheduled for me. Over the course of the last week, I've visited a
general practiononer, gastrointerologist, a cardiologist, and a new dentist. I've subjected myself to all kinds of medical scrutiny (echo-cardiogram, endoscopy, periodontal evaluation, etc.) and, across the boards, the doctors have been telling me that I'm in fantastic health. I feel great, my teeth are squeaky clean, and my Dad and I have also been hard at work on setting up my Internet store to accomodate international and US fans alike. Stay tuned, check me out on the cover of this bitchin magazine, and get ready for an explosive 2007! Happy Holidays!
P.S. All I want for Christmas is for every last one of you to check out my killer website: www.steveo.com Thanks!"
This reminds me, I have to write up the review for 'Jackass 2' . I'm not really sure to begin..it's MUCH gnarlier than 'Jackass 1'!