Mel Gibson's Secret Lovechild

What a way to top the year off for Mel.

It's been so exciting why stop now?

Painter Carmel Sloane, 29, is claiming that Mel Gibson is her father. She says that he and her mother got it on in the backseat of a car before he was a big star.

She is asking that Mel take a paternity test, but insists that she is not doing it for publicity or money. She says that she merely wants Mel to recognize her and her son as 'family'.

"I would like him to know he has a grandson who is a great kid. He is very bright and creative. He would be proud of him,"
she said. "I'm not doing it for his money. I just want to meet the man I've always known was my dad — and for him to get to know his grandson."

"I'd love it if he recognised us as family. I'm not looking for a meal ticket. I am happy with my life. I would love to meet him but I wouldn't expect to be part of his life. I'm not looking for a piece of the pie or that lifestyle."

Legal papers will be served to Mel sometime this week.


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