Spicy Late Night Links!
Gawd I hate Clay Aiken (TMZ)
Natural beauties (AllieisWired)
Brandon & Dylan reunite (ICYDK)
James Brown in state (Hollyscoop)
WTF is Gwen wearing?! (Bumpshack)
Britney cheated on KFed? (CelebrityMound)
Britney Spears is on drugs! (CrankyGrammy)
PLEASE tell me this is not true! (PoponthePop)
Top Ten rejected girl scout cookies (JasonsTopTen)
Jessica Simpson is in a deep depression (EvilBeet)
Paris has nicknamed Britney 'Animal' Hah! (TheBlemish)
Charlize Theron has an ass to beat all asses (Gabsmash)
Joan Jett & Carmen Electra are still mashing carpets (Glitterati)
Distortrait takes Amanda Lepore to a whole new level (Distortrait)
You gotta admit Angelina looks smokin' in that water (NosySnoop)
Mary Kate is still stomping around in her Frankenstein shoes (IBBB)
Lindsay doesn't think strippers are c*nts anymore (CelebrityDirtyLaundry)
WorldofBritney.com is dumping their site..due to their dumpy icon (CelebrityPuke)
Victoria Beckham is in denial about having an eating disorder (HollywoodBackwash)
Man goes to get pec implants, ends up looking like Dolly Parton (CelebrityCosmeticSurgery)
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