This Weeks 'Star Dog of the Week' Goes to...

* Wally, Diego, Leila & Kenya! *


We have four dogs, Wally is our first, he is a Mastiff/St Bernard mix, he weighs 170 lbs. He is a big sweetheart who loves everyone. But lookout when he gets playful and runs around! He has knocked some people straight out of their shoes! He is not a watch dog, because he is scared of unknown people, and the dark! But his massive size keeps people at bay. His favorite thing to do is sleep! We got him from a local breeder at eight weeks old, he is now almost 5 years old. I call him my Wally-bug.

Next is Diego, he is a Rat Terrier, he weighs about 18 lbs. He is will be three years old in July. He is very intelligent and loving. His favorite thing to do is climb on daddy's lap to ask for candy (which mom doesn't let him have). He loves to chase rabbits and is a great critter getter. He was top dog until he met his sister Leila. He is the only dog who gets to stay in the house all the time. He is very spoiled (as they all are) And very determined to get what he wants! Someday he would like to be a daddy! ( He is also the only intact dog we have) (not a good pic, I'll send another later, I'm at work)

Leila came into our home around Christmas, when my husband brought her home from work. She is a pit bull mix, and she is alpha dog. She is about 2 1/2 years old, and weighs about 60 lbs. Her mommy moved out and couldn't take her, so we keep her with us. When her mommy comes over, she can hear her car from down the street, she gets very excited! She loves to bark at anything that enters her territory, but her bark is more ferocious than she is. She loves to chase the invisible ball, and sometimes even brings back a real ball! She keeps the other dogs in line, but she Loves her Wally-bug.

And finally, there is Kenya. She is a Husky/Sheppard mix. My son adopted her from the Baja Animal Sanctuary. They are in Mexico, and they rescue dogs off the streets. She was born at the sanctuary, and brought to California for adoption. We fell in love with her at first sight. She is silly and loving and will flop on your lap. She is about 8 months old, and until last week, she insisted on being lifted into the truck instead of jumping in. Her best friend is her cousin Leila, they love to play rough and run all around the yard together.

Even though she is my son's dog, he swears she likes me best!

I would love to see their cute faces on your website! One of my favorites, by the way!


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