Yoko Ono's Driver Arrested for Extortion

Yoko Ono accused her driver, Koral Karsan, of trying to extort $2 million dollars from her.

She claims he was threatening to release embarassing photos & audios that he gathered privately, and saying he would kill her and her son, Sean..and then himself.

The ultra-creep secretly took secret pictures of Yoko at night and audiotaped her while she talked on the phone in the limo.

He then gathered his tapes and photos, wrote her the note and then preceded to leave it all at her home..on the anniversary of John's death nonetheless. What a guy.

Karsan was arrested yesterday. He is awaiting arraignment this morning on an attempted grand larceny charge.

Karsan claims that Yoko made up the story to twart his upcoming allegations against her. Karsan is claiming that he was about to pursue a sexual harassment case. Ono's spokesperson said the allegations are untrue.

"That is completely false. She's the victim here,"
Elliott Mintz, told the New York Post.
Mintz also told the AP, "She is one woman who has been through enough..For an employee -especially a trusted employee who drove her- to attempt a shakedown has left her just absolutely shocked."

Karsan worked as Yoko's limo driver for over six years.

Source: CBS.com

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