Spicy Quick Links!

Tyra's got junk in her trunk (HipandPop)
Is that Cameron? (ImBringingBloggingBack)
Halle Berry looking sweet as hell (Gabsmash)
If Larry King were a cartoon he'd be... (CityRag)
Lindsay has her appendix removed (TheEvilBeet)
Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban are doomed (MizMonica)
Now the women flock to Justin Timberlake (CelebrityPuke)
Shanna Moakler to do porn very, very soon (HollywoodBackwash)
Desperate Housewives you can play with..or butcher their hair (Glitterati)
Matt Leinart used to be hot, until he started banging every poon in town (Hollyscoop)
Which former couple (actress & director husband) were master & slave? (CrazyDays&Nights)
Here's the mugshot of the freak who attacked the Days of Our Lives star on New Years Eve (TMZ)

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