This Weeks 'Star Dogs of the Week' Are...


This is Bobby. He's a 10 lb., mix of Poodle and Bichon Frise.
He's 9 months old and loves tissues, and worn socks. He's brought some much needed laughter into my life (dealing with a separation...) He thinks he's a huge guard dog, but is always happy to meet new people.

*Cooper Ray!*

This is Cooper Ray (actually, her full name is Cooper Martha Carmen Shiri Ursula Ray - she gets a new middle name for every birthday). Cooper is a pussycat of a chow-lab-collie-retriever mix. She was found in a box with her siblings as a puppy, and was fostered through a rescue organization. We adopted her when she was 6 months old (she's now 4). She's a certified therapy dog, gives gentle little kisses, squints when she's happy, and sings (ok, well, howls) like an opera star. She is freakishly gentle with chew toys - she carries them around like babies, and still has the first toy we ever bought her. She's a sweetheart of a dog, and we love her to bits!


This is Breckenridge Roper-Nikitaras. He's our my three month old Boxer puppy. I grew up with a female boxer, Maggie, who went to play in the forever park with her older brothers last summer at the age of 12 and I was devastated! I didn't think I could fall in love with another baby so soon...but we found Breckenridge online in Lamar, Missouri, and made the 10 hour drive from Chicago with my fiance to pick up our new "baby" on July 1, 2007. Our Breck was 8 weeks old and came with a heart murmur, which he fortunately has outgrown. He is constantly growing- due to be about 90 pounds- and is wonderful and the light of our life. He sits on my lap while I drink coffee and read CelebritySmack every morning and we would love to see his picture up on your site one day!


Hello! I have attached a picture of my Lhasapoo puppy. Her name is Fanny Ziegfeld Brice (Fanny for short) and she is 1 year and five months old.


This is Sassy Lee in one of her younger days. She is approximately twelve years old now. She was adopted from the Humane Society at about one year of age. Sassy is a dachshund/beagle mix. The people at the Humane Society called her the "Flying Nun"...I'm sure no explanation is needed as to why they chose that moniker! This picture is posted at the bottom of our refrigerator (dog eye level) to remind Sassy she doesn't need that extra snack, as her metabolism isn't what it used to be. Love her to death...she's my baby.


Thanks to everyone who sent in pictures of their babies! I am still posting dogs from last August, yes, it's true, I have months worth of Star Dogs to post still! So I will be posting five dogs a week until I get caught up a bit. Thanks for your patience!


Donate to Hunter, the Boxer who desperately needs your help!

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