Technology just got more stylish

Thought being a tech geek was totally unrelated to fashion? Think again. The Digital Clutch Laptop designed by Vivienne Tam was recently unveiled at the New York Fashion extravaganza. The ultra-chic HP Digital Clutch is something you'd expect celebs to carry around, and it's in line with the flourishing HP 2133 Mini-Note.

The 10-inch netbook has a distinctly Oriental design – a flaming red outer case embellished with lovely pink and purple flowers. Even the “enter” key on the notebook bears the Chinese symbol for “double happiness”. Designer Tam says that her ideas behind this laptop are specially oriented towards creating the kind of “peace and tranquility that you get from being in a garden”.

No exact release date was given for "laptop" but hopefully it will be available for purchase before Christmas. Hint hint...

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