Product review: Tea tree oil blemish fade lotion

While in London I tried to get my hands on as many beauty products as possible.

One of the few products I got my hands on was from The Body Shop: Tea Tree Oil Blemish Fade Night Lotion.

A lightweight, soothing gel crème that sinks into the skin to help
improve the appearance of blemish-damaged skin, equalise oiliness and replenish
moisture while you sleep.

I used to have acne but thanks to Proactive, the problem lessened ALOT and any scars I had faded too. But my skin can always use any help it can get in that department.
I found this product pretty amazing. I don't know if it was the cool London weather, or the lotion itself, but for once in my life I had clear skin- without having to do much! I felt like shouting it from the roof tops (;if you have been struggeling to achieve clear skin for years, you know what I mean.) Tea tree oil is a anti bacterial so it would make sense that this stopped my break outs.

Before bed I wash my face and use toner. Then slather a few dots of this all over my face.
In the morning I also wake up with a much less oilier T zone- and my skin seems to glow. I don't care much for the smell, but honestly, if it keeps my skin clear I couldn't care less.

Community Trade Tea Tree Oil from Bunjum Aboriginal Cooperative in Australia - Has natural antibacterial properties.

Tamanu Oil - Sooths and helps improve the appearance of
blemished skin. Is extracted from the nuts of the Polynesian

Glycerin - An effective Moisturiser.

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