In-Laws let's be honest!

Brides-to-be, how do you feel about your future in-laws?

Brides, how do you feel about your in-laws?

Ladies who have a boyfriend, how do you feel about his parents?

One of my friends has been married multiple times, and yesterday she told me that she has never liked any of her in-laws. Especially the moms! What's up with that? She said that one guy even had a bank account with his mom, and she monitored his purchases... SERIOUSLY?! What the Hello Kitty is up with that?

Another of my friends is pregnant and said that her mother-in-law is such a weird-o that she calls to ask how "our baby" is, and if she is treating "her baby" (the baby my friend is carrying) good. What is the deal with that?

So spill it! How to do you feel about your significant others parents?

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