Simon Monjack

Simon Monjack..........

Simon Monjack has been at the cutting edge of art, fashion and film for two decades and on two continents. From being one of the key players in the burgeoning BritArt scene (being responsible for Damien Hirst's first gallery show) in London to establishing, owning and running the seminal media company New-Jack Productions in New York. Simon has been a behind the scenes player making major waves with his keen eye for talent and unparalleled vision for pop culture and the time and space it inhabits.

As a filmmaker Simon's critically acclaimed first feature opened to reviews like 'a brilliant debut' at the Cannes Film Festival, before he went on to co-write and produce the cult film Factory Girl about the Warhol '60s. Simon has photographed for dozens of magazines across Europe and in the US including Flaunt and Vogue this year alone and the list of celebrities he has captured with his unique lens is never ending. Simon is known as a fashion photographer with an eye for composition and an understanding of beauty that starts with discovering talent and ends with the perfection of a moment, dress, look or captivating eyes that form the iconoclastic body of work he has produced.

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