Guest Post: Protein Power

Good Evening Fashion Meets Food Followers this is the boy guest posting tonight, Erica is extremely busy at home doing wedding things. Erica never eats protein so I thought I would put a post on here to help her get more protein in her system without making the same boring thing over and over. Maybe this will also help you if you feel like you don't get enough protein.

I used to take protein all the time and would only ever mix it with milk or pudding which was good but got old fast. So here are some of the ways I am suggesting to you and Erica on how to get more protein in your diets.

Milk comes in one flavor and protein power comes in so many flavors. Try mixing your milk with strawberry or chocolate protein power for a little extra flavor kick.

Unlike milk pudding comes in so many flavors and also comes in sugar free and fat free which is good for Erica because she is watching her calorie in take. In the past I have mixed banana pudding with strawberry protein power which is a pretty good combo.

Adding protein to a smoothie is a great way to get your sweet tooth fix and make it good for you all in one. Use your imagination with flavors or just add non flavored protein.

Pancakes are always great in the morning and even better with a kick of protein. I eat buttermilk pancakes so the non flavored protein works best for those but I know if you look around your local grocery store of even health food store there are lots of flavored pancake mixes to experiment with.

If oatmeal is your thing then a little strawberry or chocolate protein will give it that little extra flavor in your breakfast and keep you fuller longer. Again there are also lots of different oatmeal flavors so keep your eye open in the grocery store next time.
Well that's all for my guest post this time and if you like hearing from me I am sure I will be back while Erica is getting ready for the big day back in Michigan.

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