Inside Out Method

When faced with the question; which trainer from The Biggest Loser would you want to work out with, most people will say Bob Harper over Jillian Michaels. I mean Jillian is the loud mouth hardass, and Bob is the nice one, right?

With his brand new four-disc DVD series called Inside Out Method, Bob is no longer the nice one! 30 Day Shred... cake walk. Inside Out Method Cardio Conditioning with Bob is the MOST INTENSE workout I have ever done from a DVD! Seriously this is a bit TMI, however I ended up throwing up at the end of the DVD. It's that intense!

His series contains workout DVD's from yoga to intense cardio. Bob will make you sweat, shake and scream. The more you complain, the harder he will make you work! Not feeling the pain? Should not have said that, because now you are going to keep going until your legs are completely shaking!

These are not your normal workout dvd's. They're intense and are going to make you work. They weren't all about making the set look aesthetically pleasing. It's all about keeping your heart rate up, and you sitting in a pool of sweat completely panting. I am not kidding when I tell you that these dvds are no joke. They are crazy intense, and if your legs aren't shaking you obviously did not do that dvd!

If you are like me and can't afford a personal trainer. Buy Inside Out Method from Bob Harper. You will have a personal trainer right in your living kicking your butt. If you have a hard time pushing yourself these dvd's are PERFECT for you. Seriously you'll want to flip Bob the bird, but your arms will be too fatigued!

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