The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes

Friday Five
Skin Care

You asked how do I get such radiant glowing skin, even in the fall and winter months. So here are my five essentials to fabulous radiant skin. Also don't forget water as well! That should be a given though.

Our faces always need a little TLC so exfoliating your skin is very important. Exfoliating will brighten the skin and instantly give you a radiant glow to your complexion.
{Fresh Sugar Face Polish}

I use this to remove all the morning and night "junk" off my face. It clears my skin and lets my pores breathe.
{Clinique Clarifying Lotion}

Let me let you in on a secret I am a masque girl. I use different mask at different times of the year. Currently I am absolutely LOVING this phytocell detox mask. I think this mask is ESSENTIAL for fall and winter. It is very hydrating, makes my skin feel smooth and brighter and just makes it look more visually pleasing. Remember to mask one to three times per week for radiant looking skin!
{emerginC Phytocell Detox Mask}

All fall and winter if you peak into my handbag you will find rescue balm and mask. It is absolutely one of my favorite products. You can use it as an overnight mask to rejuvenate your skin or just to nourish your skin when it needs some extra TLC. Great for after facials, waxing, sunburns and windburn. Seriously this stuff lives on my nose during the colder months.
{CosMedix Rescue Balm & Mask}

Beauty Sleep. I always wear a sleep mask to bed to prevent dark circles.
{a sleep mask}

What are your must have products for fab skin?

Current Nail Lacquer Color
Everyone seems to be very interested with what color is on my nails.
So I will start including my polish color in post as I change it.

{Current Color as of 8/26: O.P.I "lucerne tainly look marvelous" a brilliant metallic silver}


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