On the 12th day of giveaways Fashion meets Food gave to me......CLOSED

Twelve Days of Giveaways
a loaf a bread a week for an ENTIRE Year

That's right! Here is your chance to win a loaf of bread from Panera Bread EVERY week for an ENTIRE year... that's 52 loaves of bread!

Here's how to enter
(you must follow Fashion meets Food. If you do not have a blog leave your email address)

• What is your favorite kind of bread from Panera Bread?
• Share your favorite holiday recipe (can be cookies, cake, drinks, food etc) (5 extra entries)
you can also email me the recipe: fashionmeetsfood[at]yahoo[dot]com
• Mention this giveaway on your blog and or twitter (3 extra entries)
• Add Fashion meets Food to your blogroll (3 extra entries)

Giveaway ends Wednesday, December 15th

Best of luck!


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