Wordless Wednesday: O Christmas Tree

Do you have a theme Christmas tree... or does anything go?

Every year for Christmas my parents and Meeme & Papa get me ornaments. This started when I was born so I have a large collection of ornaments. This means that my large tree has no theme to it... anything goes. However I do have a little pink tree that is my shoe tree. Pictures will come soon! I do wish that I could have a gold and purple tree this year though


Twelve Days of Giveaways

A Gift Card to Sephora!

Giveaways you can still enter
Oh Nuts $25 gift certificate
Red Lipstick by Hourglass
Here's how to enter
(you must follow Fashion meets Food. If you do not have a blog leave your email address)

• What would you buy if you won this gift card?
• Share your favorite holiday cookie recipe (5 extra entries)
* you can email me the recipe fashionmeetsfood[at]yahoo
• Mention this giveaway on your blog and or twitter (3 extra entries)
• Add Fashion meets Food to your blogroll (3 extra entries)

Giveaway ends Friday, December 10th

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