Celebrity Smack's First Annual 2006 Gossip Bloggers Choice Awards!

Welcome to the First Annual GBCA's!

Rather than doing a year end wrap up of my own I thought it would be fun to ask other celebrity gossip bloggers their thoughts on
all things celebrity in the year 2006.

1. What was the Biggest Celebrity Scandal in 2006?

Bumpshack- "It could have been a number of things from the Tom-Kat whirlwind to Mel Gibson's arrest but Britney Spears cooch is what shut down servers with Goliath like traffic for several days. The queen of trash has returned with a bang."

Celebrity Mound- "Mel Gibson and his anti-semitic rant."

Glitterati- "Denise Richards stealing Heather Locklears' husband, Richie Sambora. Definitely not what friends are for. EVER."

The Evil Beet- "Judging by traffic patterns, I think most gossip bloggers would have to agree that this goes to the Britney Spears Crotch Shot, the labia that launched a thousand server replacements."

Im Bringing Blogging Back- "A tie b/w crazy ass Mel Gibson and crazy ass Michael Richards. It really was a crazy ass tie. How do you choose between racism and anti-semitism?"

2. The Most Over-Rated Celebrity?

- "It's a tie between Paris Hilton and Tom Cruise. Seriously, what's Paris good for anyway - besides sharing STD's? And Tom Cruise has been everywhere and in a creepy kind of way, too. I think Scientologists are responsible for all of the world's UFO sightings, with Tom completely in control of the abductions."

Im Bringing Blogging Back
- "Paris "Stanky Putanky" Hilton. Most over-rated faux-lebrity? Perez Hilton. It's a Hilton thing."

Pop on the Pop
- "Eva Longoria. She can't act. She just looks like a short, overtanned gopher on Desperate Housewives."

The Evil Beet
- "I say this every year, but I really can't stand Mandy Moore. I don't think she's attractive or talented or interesting, and when I watch an interview with her I want to slap my television. I have no idea why people still care about her. I wish she'd just go away."

3. Who was the Biggest Trainwreck?

- "Lohan. Broken bones, loads of coke, random letters, car wrecks, AA for a year but only clean for a week...what the hell?"

- "Although it got off to a late start - I would have to say Britney Spears! We were overjoyed when she finally ditched Kevin - but then a few weeks later went on a panty-less party tour with the likes of Paris Hilton & Lindsay Lohan! She needs to be focusing on her two kids and her much needed comeback!"

- "Sadly Anna Nicole Smith was the biggest trainwreck. She had to endure the loss of her oldest son, paternity challenges from a host of men over her new baby, and was evicted from her Caribbean home. Everyone needs to pray for Anna and stability in 2007."

The Blemish
- "Lindsay Lohan. Drug induced rants, vagina flashing, cut up wrists, befriending Paris Hilton, dropping Paris Hilton, alcoholism, being generally retarded, not flashing her boobs. Disappointing really."

4. The Most Improved Celebrity?

Miz Monica
- "Ashlee Simpson has improved 100% percent. She's the hotter Simpson now.."

The Blemish
- "Nicole Richie. She's 85lbs now. The weight of a normal little boy. And with pecs to match! Congrats."

-"My darling Courtney Love who has cleaned up her messy act quite well - We've seen her and daughter Frances Bean (who is turning out to be a lovely young lady) out & about looking happy - plus Courtney's back in the studio doing what she does best! I freakin' love Courtney!"

- "The one who backed away from the crack pipe and her husband, Whitney Houston."

5. What were the Best & Worst Reality Shows?

The Evil Beet
- "Best- Love me some Top Chef. I just have to watch it on a full stomach, otherwise it makes me crazy. Worst- It hurts me physically to watch Laguna Beach. It goes beyond just a headache. It makes my whole body sore. I get nauseous. The room starts to spin. It's really awful."

Gossip or Truth
- "Best- Amazing Race. Worst- America's Next Top Model."

Pop on the Pop
- "Best- Flavor of Love. Worst- House of Carters. Rehab, anger management, anyone? And guts all up in my face. Nick should borrow Tom Cruise's girdle."

- "'Flavor of Love' gets my vote for Best AND Worst. It's like watching a car accident in progress; you want to turn away, but damn - you just can't."

Celebrity Mound
- "Best- Dancing With The Stars, Worst- The Simple Life."

6. The Most Shocking Moment?

- "Well I wasn't shocked but it did send a jolt of energy through my body...The day Britney Spears finally filed from divorce from dirtbag Kevin Federline! I was beside myself with glee!"

Im Bringing Blogging Back
- "The most shocking moments would be all of the Hollywood Stanky Putanky that I saw this year. B/W Lindsay, Paris, Britney, and more it was really the year of the Stanky Putanky, don't you think? Sometimes shocking is good. Also, there was plenty of cameltoe to go around too. hopefully that cameltoe will eventually turn into stanky putanky. It really is the circle of life."

- "I think those incidents involving George Michael - who was literally caught with his pants down - were a little shocking, but only in a funny sort of way. I think what's really shocking about the whole situation is that his partner continues to stay with him."

The Evil Beet
- "The Reese/Ryan split kind of threw me for a loop. I thought if anyone could make a Hollywood marriage work, they could. But it's very exciting that we'll see Reese back on the dating scene soon!"

7. Most Forgettable Moment?

The Blemish
- "Ashlee Simpson's multiple plastic surgeries. Still a no talent three bagger, but now with 5x more plastic."

Gossip or Truth
- "Paris and Nicole becoming friends again."

Miz Monica
- "Taylor Hicks won American Idol."

- "Uhhhh, one word. Federline."

The Evil Beet
- "Didn't Paris Hilton come out with some sort of album? Or was it just a single? Maybe I'm thinking of a porn video. Can't remember.."

8. Saddest Moment?

Gossip or Truth
- "Paris getting Music Award for ‘Stars are Blind’"

Celebrity Mound
- "Anna Nicole Smith's interview on Xtra - about her son's death."

The Blemish
- "Steve Irwin dying from a sting ray. One of nature's cruelest jokes."

Pop on the Pop
- "The passing of Ed Bradley. He was an inspiration to all journalists. His light shined so brightly. And he was fairly handsome, so that adds to my personal sadness. I didn't get to meet him yet."

- "The loss of Dana Reeves to cancer - A wonderful person who was taken way before her time."

Who Do You Hope to See Less of in 2007?

Pop on the Pop
- "Perez Hilton. Drawing on pics is what I did when I was four."

Im Bringing Blogging Back
- "Perez Hilton."

- "Britney's 'Hot Pocket'. Oh wait - you said "who", didn't you?
In that case, Nicole Richie. Already, we seem to see less and less of her every day. By this time next year, she'll have lost so much weight, she'll be just hair and eyeballs."

- "Lindsay Lohan & her mom Dina. Oh these two make me ill - Lindsay is
about as smart as a tree and her Mom is like the ultimate stage mother - And they hail from Long Island (yes I'm from there too unfortunately!)"

10. What was the Worst Celebrity Fad?

- "Those tights that women wear everywhere. Tights are for the gym or maybe even the grocery store, but not for going out to clubs and being photographed all about town. Get rid of the tights and the big fat granny sunglasses while you are at it."

Miz Monica
- "Feeling the need to weigh 12lbs."

- "The whole skinny factor that flew around Hollywood like a virus - way
too many celebrities holding themselves at questionable weights."

- "Lohan's cutter covers. i.e., wristbands and gloves. Ew."

11. Cutest Celebrity Baby?

The Blemish
- "Shiloh. She's the second coming and they say if you touch her your herpes will go away."

- "Coco."

Miz Monica
- "Suri and Sean Preston take the cake."

Pop on the Pop
- "Kingston Rossdale. Gwen Stefani thinks he's a doll and a L.A.M.B bag, but he's cute enough for her to flaunt him around. Suri Cruise on the other hand... Lord, bless that child."

12. Make One Prediction Regarding a Celebrity for 2007.

The Evil Beet
-"My guess is we'll see another Britney Spears quickie wedding, probably in Vegas, by March at the latest."

- "Whitney Houston - I hope & pray this will be her big comeback year!"

The Blemish
- "Lindsay Lohan will have a nervous breakdown accompanied by an attempted suicide."

Pop on the Pop
-"Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes will split. That would be nice."

- "Pamela Anderson will remarry Tommy Lee. I know - pretty unrealistic, isn't it?"

Gossip or Truth
- "Britney’s career will go down, Lindsay will become drug addict."
Bumpshack- "Cameron and Justin will break up once she tires of covering up his sexuality."

Celebrity Mound
- "Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie will break up and Arnold Schwartzanegger and Maria Shriver will divorce."

Im Bringing Blogging Back
-"Jennifer Aniston will not get married."

Miz Monica
- "Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake will reunite."

- "Madonna & Guy will split. Beyonce & Jay Z will split. So will Cameron & Justin. Oh yeah, and someone will die and set a reality check. You know it's going to happen. And I hope Naomi finally gets the ass beating she deserves."

Thanks to all bloggers who participated..

Give them much love Smackaholics!

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