Miss USA Gets Evicted, is a Druggie?

Tara Conner is back in her little Kentucky hometown awaiting her results of a recreational drug test.

The rumors have been running rampant about whether or not Miss USA will be stripped of her title due to hard partying and numerous sex romps.

Donald Trump, who co-owns the Miss Universe Organization with NBC, downplayed the incident saying, "Reports that Miss USA is being 'dethroned' are absolutely not true, she is going through some personal problems and difficulties right now which could affect her ability to reign. We are right now looking into what we can do to work with her and what we will do about her reign going forward."

The talk of the town is that once she received the crown, little miss balls-to-the-wall broke up with her boyfriend from back home and began screwing everyone in sight.

In a short time she had been linked to two of the owners of the club 'Stereo', MTV veejay Damien Fahey, American Idol host Ryan Seacrest, (but isn't he gay?) and DJ AM's assistant.

Conner has been asked to undergo recreational drugs testing.
"She has a really bad drug problem. Everyone at Miss USA hated her. She slept with Travis Barker and she sleeps with all the club promoters," said one source.

"She was latching onto a crew of promoters because she had no other friends and she was using them for drugs,"
a friend said. "She started utilizing hip New York City people in the night-life scene to feed her addictions...I cut her off when she started leeching off all the other people I introduced her to."

Source: Playfuls.com

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