X17 Talks of Suing Perez Hilton

"We've had trouble with a lot of bloggers,"
X17 co-owner Brandy Navarre said. "But he's the biggest, and the most arrogant and pigheaded about it, frankly."

X17 says Perez has remained 'unrepentant about his part in the suit, and is unconcerned about a recent cease-and-desist letter he received from seven similar paparazzi companies.'

"If the law says I am wrong, if a jury of my peers says they think my actions are wrong, then I will listen to them. But I don't think they will," Perez Hilton (real name Mario Lavandeira) said.

"Especially if they see that the person who is suing me admitted she is suing me because I am arrogant. A judge would dismiss that."

I am certainly no Perez fan but I will say this. X17 is not a very professional company, by any means.

Perez has gotten so under their skin that they have publicly fought this war like the drama queens they are. I believe it was X17 who started the blog called "Fuck Perez Hilton." Classy, Brandy.

They also started a lame ass petition and have only gotten a mere few hundred signatures.

If they are having such a fucking cow about people not paying for their stalker images then why are they posting them on a public blog?

Now they are targeting other blogs with snide blind items such as this..

Guess which Jokers of Journalism think they and their not-so-Good partner site are Justified in stealing our images for their Joke of a website? Criticizing the media and then Jerking around with images that aren't yours Just ain't cool. Guess we'll Just see them in court!

P.S. - First, it's not Just Jared or Perez. Second, we got the following comment -

December 15, 2006
10:21 AM
Posted by: Anonymous

Might I make a suggestion?
If you'd offer a larger variety of licenses so bloggers could use your photos legally, you'd not have to worry so much.
While I certainly understand being upset about theft of one's intellectual property, you're only hurting yourselves by being litigious.

Guess what, we DO offer special rates for blogs (Socialite's Life, PopSugar, and Sawfnews are already clients) -- email us at X17@X17online.com for more info!

At least their Celebrity, Media, and Manhattan blog will have a front row seat in court!"

Obviously referring to Jossip's "Mollygood."

I think someone (Brandy) at X17 has a major anger issue,
They are like chickens with their heads cut off..running around, screaming shit, having a fit. I would guess if they are going to sue Perez that he will likely countersue for all the crap they have said/posted about him on their blog.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Both parties involved are assholes, so it should be one great big stinkfest.

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