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Retro Tyra (Bumpshack)
Britney's ghost boobs (IBBB)
Miss USA is a tramp (EvilBeet)
Britney buys a new house (Star)
Celebrity time travelling (CityRag)
Die Hard 4 trailer (DailyDumpling)
New blind items (CrazyDays&Nights)
Xtina cameltoe? (DrunkenStepfather)
Britney has panties on this time (MizMonica)
Nicole parties & doesn't drive (CelebrityPuke)
Matt Lauer hasn't Googled Britney's Beav (TMZ)
Kelly Clarkson has thunder thighs (PoponthePop)
Natsha Lyonne will molest your dog (TheBlemish)
Brad Pitt can come inside (Hollywood Backwash)
MK has me excited to see Dreamgirls! (PopBytes)
Bob Dylan wants to stop the release of Factory Girl (GabSmash)
Christina Ricci fan closes fansite after finding out Ricci wears fur (Glitterati)

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