Holy Power Outages, Batman!

What a wild night!

It was a windy night in Spicyland. Lightning, thunder, 75mph gusts, it was cool! We have been out of power for more than 15 hours. Sorry for the lack of updates.

I dont't have a ton of time to do much updating now, but I will try and get something up. You're probably sick of my manatee being on the front page...heh. Oh yeah, and since my power was out last night, I didn't get to see if my manatee made it on the air. When your power is out your DVR doesn't work. Lame. Thank God it went out after 'Survivor' was on. :)

Mr. Spicy and I have a Christmas party tonight, tis the season. Have a great weekend everyone, and if you are out hittin' the Christmas parties be safe. Layoff the booze, have someone drive you, take a cab or walk! You want to make it to see the New Year, right?



P.S. I hope the new layout is working for everyone..let me know!

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