Bad Girls Club

I have this sick weakness for reality shows.

Especially ones where there is a lot of cat fighting. Who doesn't love to watch a good fight?

I have been meaning to post about this show because it's truly hysterical and pathetic all wrapped up into a big wad of devlish delectability.

'Bad Girls Club'
is on Oxygen, and it's about a houseful of bitches who are self proclaimed 'Bad Girls'.
It's already a few episode's into it, but you can catch the reruns, as they are being played often.

The best episode so far of course has been when 'Ripsi', the house lush, gets wasted on Patron Tequila and goes on a massive anger fueled rampage. She kicks the shit out of 'Kerry', the crybaby, and then goes after Jodie while she is sleeping. Heh.

If you haven't seen the show yet, here is a clip of what you have missed.

Ripsi has since been kicked off the show.
Too bad, because I actually liked Ripsi. She brought all the excitement to the show.

I wish I would have been in the house. She would have been so easy to kick the crap out of! I mean, she was wasted beyond wasted! But not one person stepped up and beat her ass..because she did totally deserve it. Kerry just cried to everyone and milked it to death after it happened. Some 'bad girl' she is.

So yes, I am hooked on this show. Here are my thoughts and opinions on each of the girls in the house. Even Ripsi - even though she is no longer in the house after her Patron incident.

Rispsi. I love Ripsi. Although she is a total drunken lush, she is spontaneous and fun. Just don't get on her bad side after she's drank a half bottle of booze. She comes from a very well to do family, and has tons of designer everything. If you are her friend though, she will stick to you like glue. She is most certainly spoiled, her mother still does her laundry and daddy buys her anything she wants no matter the cost. But is that her fault or theirs? Ripsi is a giving friend, and after she was kicked out of the house she gave a few of the girls many of her designer shoes, dresses and handbags.

Leslie is an Atlanta stripper who rode into the first episode on her crotch rocket. I like Leslie. She isn't your typical dancer. She is very smart and headstrong. She also won't put up with shit. She says what she feels but doesn't like to get involved with other people's problems. She defends Jodie in a nightclub in one episode and that comes back to bite her in the ass afterwards. She vows to never get involved again. She would definitely be a very loyal friend, and would also say it like it is.

Jodie, Jodie, Jodie. Can't stand this man-bitch. Jodie believes that she is God's gift to everything. She is very successful in Baltimore and has a very active nightlife. But Jodie only gives two craps about..that's right, Jodie. When out clubbing she poses like she is Paris Hilton, puckering her lips and giving everyone bedroom eyes. She thinks she is better than everyone in the house and even told a girlfriend on the phone that she is rooming with 'trash'. She is a conceited bitch who will backstab anyone to get what she wants. I know for a fact that I would not get along with scroty Jodie.

Aimee. Aimee is a total bitch, but the kind that I love. She says exactly what she thinks without sugarcoating any of it. She doesn't like fake or slutty chicks. She hails from South Philly and has an attitude bigger than any girl in the house. She is somewhat different from the other girls in that I really don't think she gives two shits about making friends with any of them. She is a sort of loner who isn't into all that foofy shit that most girls her age are into. She also isn't into impressing anyone.

Zara. Zara is the naive one of the bunch. She will believe anything you tell her and sometimes that gets her into trouble. She annoys the other girls because her naivety comes off as just plain immaturity at times. She has a boyfriend at home who she toys with like a cat and mouse. She tells him about another guy she is spending time with on the show and expects the boyfriend to be waiting with arms open wide when she returns. Although not the smartest, she is a sweet girl who just needs to learn about the world the hard way. From her mistakes.

Kerry. Kerry is an aspiring country music singer who lost her recording contract after posing for FHM magazine. Kerry is annoying and very manipulative. She also toys with her bf back home, but worse than Zara does. After her fight with Ripsi, Kerry's gorgeous & sweet boyfriend flies in to comfort Kerry, who treats him like shit the entire time and then after she is done using him tells him that he can go home. The next day she is drooling all over the 'pool boy', and then bumping and grinding all over him at a club. Once she realizes she can get pool boy, she makes him out to be a fool and claims she never wanted to have anything to do with him. Then it's back to the boyfriend. Can't stand her or her ski jump nose.

Ty. I like Ty. She comes from the school of hard knocks and there is no fronting here. She is the real deal. Ty practically raised herself and is very self sufficient and real. She never starts shit with anyone but would definitely 'end it' if need be. There is no game playing with her, and you will always know right where you stand with her. The only thing I have heard the girls bitch about her is how long it takes her to get ready for a night on the town. Ty seems to be a good friend who wouldn't backstab you or screw you long as you treated her with the same respect.

Click on 'About the Show' to watch the first episode, or click on the cast members to watch their casting videos. The 'deleted scenes' are also classic!

If you are a catty bitch like me, you will love this show.

Oxygen Tuesdays @ 10/9C

Written by: Spicy

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