'Alpha Dog' Impacting Victims Families

The mother of the boy who was killed to settle his brothers drug debts has attempted suicide three times since the films release.

His killer, Jesse James Hollywood, is the main character in the new movie, 'Alpha Dog'. Susan Markowitz is devastated by the film that portrays the events that led up to her son, Nicholas Markowitz's, murder.

She is pointing the finger at the film's director, accusing him of profiting off of her son's death.

Director Nick Cassavetes says his film was not made to offense or to affect the outcome of the trial. But you notice he doesn't mention the profiting part.

"The last thing we would want to do is prejudice a trial or bring unnecessary suffering to anyone. I don't believe this movie does that. Real life is way more important than movies."

Jeff Markovitz, the boy's father, says of his wife,
"She is so tortured by what happened that she has tried to take her own life. The last thing that either of us want is to see this picture.

"How would any loving parent feel about a Hollywood movie that glamorizes their son's death and allows celebrities to cash in on a brutal, evil murder?"



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