VH1's 'I Love New York'

Okay, okay.

I have been meaning to make a great big post about VH1's 'I Love New York' since the season premiere a few weeks back. I better get to it before the season is over. Damn time flies.

(Now keep in mind when I wrote this I have yet to finish this weeks episode-I'm finishing the DVR tonight so I have NO IDEA who is getting let go..)

The season premiere sort of freaked me out. I thought I was going to hate the show. Although it has in a way grown on me, it still does not carry the dramatics that 'Flavor of Love' did. But obviously there is no way that men can possibly create as catty a reality show as women can. So, duh, I should have known that going into it.

First impressions?

My first impression of Mr. Boston was, oh my gawd, what is this poor white boy doing there? He seemed far to dweebish to even be on the show. I had no idea how this guy would even be able to compete with the others. But a few shows into it, I sort of see the personality coming out in this guy. He's funny. And funny is good. My only hesitation now is the fact that he stated on the VH1 site that he has cheated on every single girlfriend he's ever dated. Not cool Bostontonio! Care to comment?

Onix. Whoa, what a hottie. This guy (so far) seems to have it all. He's got manner, a bod and a personality to boot. So what is his flaw? Only time will tell...or not!

The notorious Chance. I have to admit, I could NOT stand Chance in the beginning. When I saw him go off on Sister Patterson (who I think is whack anyhow) I immediately did not like him. He came off as brash, ghetto and rude. All I know is that if that had been my momma, mofo would have been GONE! But since then he has mellowed, and seems cool, but I still got on eye on him.

Chance's brother Real seems very...real. One kool kat, doesn't feel the need to impress or overwhelm, and that's hella cool in a guy. But he may be lacking in theatrics, which is something that I think our dear New York needs.

Bonez. I was sad to see that mofo leave. But New York was right. She would have corrupted that sweet ass.

The steroid child of the house, 12 Pack. 12 Pack is way too self absorbed, and seemingly only in it for the competitive side of things. I would bet my 401K, life savings and IRA's all to the fact that this boy is in it for the exposure. And besides, he's too damn pretty.

Heat..the Italian Stallion or whatever he is. This guy irritates me only because he is so easy to predict. Nothing about him excites me or stands out. Next!

The craziest mofo of the house, Pootie. Thank goodness they sent that brother home. There was serious mental instability going on in that noggin of his. Throwing himself downstairs , having a complete breakdown on the show..it makes you wonder who did the casting for 'I Love New York'. Warning signs..? Any...?

Rico Suave. Rico is a hottie who seems like a pretty cool guy to hang out with. He's a total hottie, and seems really sweet. If only I could believe that he was genuinely interested in New York..

Then there is Tango. I'm not sure what to think of Tango. So I don't really.

The brokest motherfucker on the show, Tweed. That bitch claimed to have over $100 million in assets. He couldn't just say $10 million or $1 million...bitch had to call out $100 million. You just knew he was full of shit when he pulled that number out of his ass.

Whiteboy seems cool. He just lost a great friend last week, and that was the most real I have seen the show be since it's premiere. He seems cool, but after seeing him go off about Pootie, I think he may have a chip on his shoulder.

Okay did I forget anyone? Oh well if I did.

There's my wrap up of the guys on VH1's 'I Love New York'. I still would bet my booty that New York will end up with Chance, because he's all 'thug' like she likes, and he disrespects her mother. Seems like a match made in heaven to me


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