Above is a picture of Jay & Alicia at the 2009 World Series where they performed there Empire State of Mind song! What song would have better fit the moment?
And two days later the highly anticipated "Empire State of Mind" video is finally here. Directed by Hype Williams he speaks on "Empire State Of Mind" video & where he was exactly going with the whole theme.

"Ok, basically Empire state was a very important video for me to direct, simply because of the sentiment it puts out there in the world about this town and how special it was to grow up here. If Jay is our era's Frank Sinatra then this is his pinnacle "New York, New York" record.

In short, I "visualized" the emotional content in this song, Jay's lyrics and Alicia Keys powerful voice. When people see this, they wont see a video, they'll see a pure visual interpretation of the feeling this song carries, and the artistic side of the best city in the world!" - Hype Williams

Here's the video!

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