New Moon Trailer, TV Spots and Clip : Robert Pattinson Fans, the wait is over

New Moon Trailer, TV Spots and Clip : Robert Pattinson Fans, the wait is over

New Moon TV Spots and Clip

Here’s the latest New Moon TV spots and the clip I mentioned. The TV spots each focus on two of the storylines that are part of New Moon. The first concentrates on Bella (Kristen Stewart), Jacob (Taylor Lautner) and the wolf pack; while the second focuses on the newly introduced Volturi, featuring Michael Sheen and Dakota Fanning. Check them both out, thanks to Fandango and ETOnline (by way of TrailerAddict):

And finally, here’s the 45 second clip from New Moon, which shows a rather tense looking scene where the Volturi, led by Aro (Sheen), decide what to do with Bella. Personally I think it looks pretty
damn good – take a look, thanks to Yahoo:

We’ve still just under a month to go before the promo machine (including images, trailers, clips, posters etc.) from New Moon dies down after the movie itself hits theaters. Of course, after that we have more Twilight stuff to come as the process starts all over again for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.

OK, enough yammering, time for the video clip:

MTV also released 3 new stills from New Moon (the first of which you saw above) and you can see the other two below. New Moon is direct by Chris Weit

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