No skipping lunch!

What a beautiful and sunshiny day it is today! I am absolutely loving it, and thinking a long walk is definitely in store!

Don't forget about my two giveaways
Zevia all natural diet ends tomorrow
O.P.I. Taupe Polish

For breakfast this morning I had a plain bagel thin with strawberry cream cheese, and diet v8 splash.

bagel thin: 1 pt.
Cream Cheese: 1 pt.
Diet v8 splash: 0 pts.

Breakfast: 2 pts.

The boy actually managed to make it back! So I made some egg salad for lunch. I had an egg salad sandwich on a plain bagel thin, a couple chips and a pickle.

bagel thin: 1 pt.
egg salad: 3 pts.
Chips: 2 pts.
Pickle: 0 pts.

Lunch: 6 pts.

Points used: 8
points available: 10

Well I think I am off for a lovely walk! I need to attempt to break this plateau that has lasted WAY too long! I want lose a lot of weight before the wedding so I really need to get to kicking my booty! Maybe I will go walk to the grocery store, and get some Crystal Light Lemonade. Spring and lemonade go hand and hand.

See you later loves!


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