Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Happy Earth Day!!

Jack Johnson The Three R's

The winner of the "Green" Giveaway is..... Christine! Congratulations and thank you to everyone who participated!
Please send me your info to: fashionmeetsfood[at]yahoo[dot]com

If you didn't win don't feel left out! I will be having random drawings throughout the day on here and on Facebook. So pay attention if you entered the "Green is the new Pink" giveaway!

This morning for breakfast I had raisin toast. I sprayed it with spray butter and added a wee bit of sugar and cinnamon combo. I also had cantaloupe which tasted weird since I had just brushed my teeth so I didnt eat it.

Raisin toast: 1 pt. (80)
cinnamon and sugar: 0 pts. (23)

Breakfast: 1 pt. (103)

Well I am off to get my shop on! I am on a mission to find cute placemats! Wish me luck!

xo enjoy your day

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