The sky is the limit

Evening loves!

Which shows are you watching tonight? Idol, Biggest Loser, Dancing with the Stars, Glee?

I am watching Dancing, BL (sort of) and DVRing Glee! It's GAGA night on excited for the show!

I will be posting a fabulous giveaway tonight as well!! So stay tuned!


Apple Cinnamon Cheerios with 2 % milk

Apple Cinnamon Cheerios: 2 pts. (120)
2% milk: 1 pt. (61)

Breakfast: 3 pts. (181)

PB & J crackers

Club Crackers: 5 pts. (210)
Peanut Butter: 2.5 pts. (95)
Raspberry Jam: 1 pt. (45)
2% milk: 1 pt. (61)

Lunch: 9.5 pts. (411)

The boy and I went out to get some screams! I got a kiddie vanilla with sprinkles!


I had a spinach salad with strawberries, glazed walnuts, dried cranberries and poppyseed dressing.

Spinach: 0 pts. (35)
Strawberries: 0 pts. (40)
Glazed Walnuts: 3 pts. (140)
Dried Cranberries: 1 pt. (70)
Poppyseed Dressing: 1 pt. (40)

Dinner: 5 pts. (325)

I also made a little drinksy... no alcohol needed :]

The boy enjoyed some pie!

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