Can't is only a four letter word

Hope everyone had an absolutely fantastic Memorial Weekend! I know that mine was filled with a great achievement!

Don't forget you still have a chance to win $25 to GlassDharma for some awesome glass straws!

Memorial Day morning I woke up bright and early had some breakfast and got ready for my....

{running fuel}

breakfast: 3 pts. (205)

VERY FIRST 5K RUN! Yes you read that correctly I ran a 5K for my very first time early yesterday morning.

The race started and mentally I wasn't ready... "can't" and "I may die on this run" were words that were running through my head and coming out of my mouth. The 5K was basically up some killer hills... and by killer hills I mean MASSIVE hills! The race started off downhill, and I just ran my little heart out. I started to beam when I saw the Mile 1 sign. I had just ran an ENTIRE mile! I have never done that before, usually I take walking breaks and I didn't this time at all, you can bet I was beaming. After the first mile everything just got extremely hard. The hills were steep, but I did not give up I continued to run. The last mile was intense, and pretty much everyone started to walk up one hill, because it was that insane. I did some speed walking in that area, and then I was back to running. I am proud to say that I ran the ENTIRE way! Minus a minute or two of speed walking. It was a huge accomplishment for me! I wasn't doing it for the time, however with the intense hills I was pretty proud that I did it in 30 minutes and 15 seconds! Can't is now just a four letter word, because I know I can achieve anything!

{5K in 30:15}

For lunch I had a tuna sandwich with berries and fruit dip I made.

Sammy: 1pt. (110)
tuna: 1 pt. (70)
celery+ lettuce: 0 pts. (10)
strawberries: 1 pt. (60)
raspberries: 0 pts. (10)
dip: 1 pt. (50)

lunch: 5 pts. (345)

Dinner consisted of left over chicken shish kabob and sweet potato fries

Sweet Potato fries

Marinated chicken: 3 pts. (160)
pineapple: 1 pt. (60)
red pepper: 0 pts. (20)
sweet potato fries: 2 pts. (150)

Dinner:6 pts. (390)

{sipped on lemon water all day}

I made a big fruit platter and fruit dip for the boy and I to snack on all day. Yum!


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