The rain never came

Evening Loves!
Today was a GTL kind of day. Which is Gym, Tan and Laundry. However I didn't get much pool time due to the fact that it looked like a storm was coming. Although the storm never came, and I lost about two hour pool time. Oh well maybe tomorrow. I went for a four mile walk today, and am on week three of my KettleWorx KettleBell Workout. I did restart my KettleWorx workout, because I really wanted to make sure I was giving it 100% or close :]


pb crackers: 5 pts. (190)

Liquid Lunch
Check it out... I got this awesome cup called the Blender Bottle it comes with a wire whisk. It makes smoothie making extra simple. Plus it's a lot of fun to use! Absolutely hands down a brilliant product and will definitely will be one of my top five favorite products of the year. You can make anything in your Blender Bottle .... milkshakes, smoothies, salad dressing, pudding, lump free gravy and more! This product is genius!!!

Cherry Puree: 1 pt. (90)
Strawberry Puree: 1 pt. (70)
Mashed up banana: 2 pts. (121)
protein-2-go: 0 pts. (40)
rice cakes: 2 pts. (120)

Lunch: 6 pts. (441)

The boy loves Mac and Cheese and while I was at the grocery store I came across this new Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Homestyle. So I picked it up to make it for the boy. Let me tell you if you want a Macaroni and Cheese product that taste homemade this is the perfect thing to buy. I had a bite of it and it was delish. The boy LOVED it. Sorry there is a lot of pics... but you go through some processes with it that really make it seem homemade. Brilliant Kraft!

Here is my dinner. Raspberry spinach salad and baked beans

spinach: 0 pts. (35)
raspberries: 0 pts. (20)
Baked beans: 3 pts. (180)

The boys dinner

Hope you have a fabulous night!


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