20 minutes of chewing

Evening dolls! Hopefully I will actually be able to get food post up in a timely manner soon! Since the wedding things have been crazy! The apartment looks like a tornado touched down, so we have been trying to get it in order. Organizing in a small place is so hard!!

Current Polish
{O.P.I. Blue my Mind}

How insanely cute are these Halloween hand sanitizers from Bath and Body Works?

{breakfast: bagel thin with peanut butter}
bagel thin: 1 pt. (110)
nut butter: 2 pts. (95)

{Lunch: Panera Bread Classic Salad}
Salad: 4 pts. (170)

{Dinner: Chicken Kabob with cauliflower and cheese + a pickle}
Chicken: 3 pts. (160)
Veggies & pineapple: 1 pt. (80)
Cauliflower & Cheese: 2 pts. (100)
Pickle: 1 pt. (15)
dinner: 7 pts. (355)

Candy Corn: 3 pts. (150)
Pretzels: 2 pts. (145)
total: 5 pts. (295)

Total: 19 pts. (1025)
over my point limit...stupid candy LOL

fascinating fact: it takes 20 minutes of chewing to burn the calories in a stick of sugarless gum.

Stay tuned for a giveaway from CSN Stores. They have 200+ website stores, and they even carry Corelle !


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