Spicy Makes the Cut on HornyManatee.com!

Did you hear about Conan O'Brien's little mistake last week?

During his monologue he mentioned HornyManatee.com, as a joke. At the time it wasn't really a '.com', but apparently if he mentions any domain that isn't existing, NBC must purchase that name.
Some bizarre technicality. True story.

So HornyManatee.com was born.

Conan and NBC have been capitalizing on the domain, and have put up a site mocking web porn sites with manatees in place of people.

Conan has been asking people to send in funny pictures of manatees for the site.

Check out the site and you will see what I'm referring to. (Look under 'Fan Art'.) Of course, tens of thousands of entries have been received, with only a few making it onto the site..and even fewer making it onto 'Late Night with Conan O'Brie

Well, I thought it would be fun to create a manatee of my own. So I did, and I submitted it yesterday.

Well wouldn't you know it, I made the cut. My manatee made it on the site!

Here is my manatee. I am honored that mine was one of the chosen few, and am hoping like hell that it makes the cut to be shown on air.

Conan, I knew I loved you.

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