Happy National Potato Chip Day

Morning Beauties!
It's horrible when you lose an hour of sleep, and wake up to a gloomy day. At least it will be lighter at night for longer. That will make a big difference :]

Breakfast this morning was a CranBran VitaTop my favorite! I am now all out of VitaTops...hopefully I can find some CranBran ones they're my favorite. I always heat mine up in the microwave for 30 seconds.

I also had a glass of Diet V8 Splash.

VitaTop: 1 pt.
Diet V8 Splash: 0 pts.

Breakfast: 1 pt.

At the end of January I started Flab to Fab in an effort to get in shape for my wedding. Well I hit a huge plateau and my weight has not moved besides fluctuation up. It's become very frustrating, because I want to do this the healthy way. When you don't see results will power seems to disappear.

Starting today here are some new things I am trying

• When eating out avoid foods that say: battered, bottomless, breaded, buttery, cheesy, country, creamy, crispy, fried, loaded, stuffed

• When eating out eat foods that say: baked, boiled, broiled, fresh, grilled, reduced, roasted, stir fried

• 8 - 12 cups of water daily (and keep track of it!)

• Eat slower

• Eat more fruit (I have to try my hardest even though it's terrible here right now!)

• Eat every three hours, and be sure the snack in between is healthy

• Keep almonds & a granola bar in my handbag at all times

• Pay close attention to portions and consider a food scale


• Live by the 80/20 rule

Do you have anything you would add to breaking a plateau when it comes to eating?

Have a fabulous day!!!!


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